How to make a wire tree?

Make your own wire tree and decorate it with gemstones, beads or different natural materials. Many possibilities and many designs.



  1. great pics, but still no instructions, length, etc.

    1. It looks simple. You need to decide which size you want then choose your rock amd buy beading wire thin enough for your beads to fit. Wrap the wire around the rock so it looks like tree roots all the while pulling up so the trunk forms and the ends are long enough to use as branches. Fill your wires with beads snd viola!

  2. looks like a heavier/thicker wire is used on the trunk.. to keep the thinner wire from bending over itself/not standing straight because of all the beads. ??

    Looking for an appropriate use with all my florist wire(green).

  3. What type of wire?

  4. It was a fantastic project for kindergarteners. They brought their own rocks and I got some colourful wires and beeds at a dollar store. Every single one of them loved it. It's also pretty failsafe and doesn't take much time for them to make. Thank you for this amazing idea!


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